Figure 5a. Cyanogenesis by Passiflora Species; all plant parts




Figure 5b. Cyanogenesis by Passiflora Species; new leaves only


Total amount of cyanide gas released, per gram wet weight of freshly crushed Passiflora plant parts; 1351 measurements (top); 770 measurements (bottom). Passiflora species abbreviations: aPIT=pittieri; bLOB=lobata; cCOR=megacoriacea; dAUR=auriculata; eBI=biflora; fARB=arbelaezii; gCOS=costaricensis; hVIT=vitifolia; iAMB=ambigua; jQUA=quadrangularis; kMEN=menispermifolia; lOER=oerstedii. Measured values consistently underestimate real quantities by about 50% owing to gas escape during measurement (see text for details).